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Who Plays The Most Powerful God In Zack Snyder's Justice League?

"Zack Snyder's Justice League" heavily expanded on the director's vision for the shared DC universe. His film delved into more detail than the 2017 theatrical cut — most notably depicting an ancient war against Darkseid (Ray Porter). Not only does the film's epic flashback sequence feature more action from the Amazonians and Atlanteans, but it also contains several gods, including the most powerful one: Zeus. While the God of Thunder doesn't have a vital presence in the film, he makes his immortal presence known alongside his children, Ares (David Thewliss) and Artemis (Aurore Lauzeral). During the celestial battle, the old gods inflict heavy damage on Darkseid, including a devastating lightning blast from Zeus. The King of Mount Olympus was undeniably a significant factor in the victory against the powerful DC villain, and he was played by actor and bodybuilder Sergi Constance.

His appearances in the 2017 version comprise some of the best scenes in "Zack Snyder's Justice League" which are Constance's only major movie credits. Besides acting, he has participated in several I.F.B.B. Men's physique competitions. Constance is also a celebrated model in the fitness world, with 5.7 million followers on Instagram. Despite his accomplishments and training, many may be surprised to learn that playing Zeus was tougher than Sergi Constance initially expected.

Zeus's thunder required some heavy lifting from Sergi Constance

After a quick glance at his social media, it's clear that Constance puts in several hours of training on a regular basis to maintain his next-level physique. But despite a relentless dedication to a rigorous routine of muscle building and strength exercises, playing Zeus in "Zack Snyder's Justice League" required all of Constance's strength. To create the effect of lightning emerging from his glowing hands, he had to wear a special rig with a power source. "I was holding also like a battery in my back like it was f***ing heavy," Constance said in one of his YouTube videos. "All these cables are on my arms and this light that with that combination and the chroma, they do this lighting the thunderstorms and everything." 

But fans would have probably never known he was struggling — mostly because he made it look so easy and an electrifying experience on screen. In the video's comments, @solareiusdeiu wrote, "The best Zeus casting ever made in the history of cinema!" Similarly, @garythecarwashkid posted: "Hopefully there are more scenes showing the character in the future movies."

There is no denying Constance's run as Zeus made an impact on viewers, and it will be interesting to see what the future holds for Constance's acting career following his noteworthy role.