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Big Brother 25: The Mafia's Jury Management Is Some Of The Worst In BB History

The jury is still out on who is going to win Season 25 of "Big Brother," but some of the final houseguests are doing their best to alienate anyone who might help them clinch the victory.

Five contestants remain — Jag Bains, Matt Klotz, Bowie Jane Ball, Felicia Cannon, and Cirie Fields — and there are still four alliances in play. Jag and Matt are in an alliance called the Minutemen and they have a final three agreement with Bowie Jane called the Mafia. Felicia and Cirie are aligned and they also have a final four alliance with the Minutemen.

The Mafia have won all of the recent competitions, so they've been in power for weeks now. However, their handling of the jury has been a hot mess thus far. As Head of Household, Matt nominates Felicia and Cirie for elimination, making it clear to viewers that the Minutemen are prioritizing their relationship with the Mafia over their alliance with the mamas. Instead of handling this with integrity, however, they're purposefully lying to Cirie and Felicia.

Matt told Felicia that she's not his target and that he's planning to backdoor Bowie Jane — a series of lies that is sure to blow up in his face if he makes it to the final two. Meanwhile, Bowie Jane and Jag are telling Cirie that she has their votes when both are actually toying with the idea of keeping Felicia instead.

Bowie Jane is already regretting blindsiding both women, but it's clear that regardless of which way the votes shake out, the damage the Mafia inflicted is already done.

The Mafia is standing strong, but the final two is still up in the air

Felicia Cannon and Cirie Fields are aware that the rest of the house is toying with them and view them as irrelevant. And they've made it clear on the live feeds that this lack of straightforward gameplay is going to affect the way they vote in the end.

As for the Minutemen, they've enjoyed a solid alliance, but it appears that it's slowly dawning on both Matt Klotz and Jag Bains that it's not in either of their best interests to bring the other to the final two. This puts Bowie Jane Ball in a great position to secure one of those final slots — but the Mafia is also fighting amongst themselves as they try to determine who to send home this week.

Matt has a great relationship with Cirie and is actively pushing for her to stay. But he's receiving pushback from Jag and Bowie Jane, both of whom think Felicia is a weaker competitor who is less likely to challenge them for the top three spots. This disagreement between Matt and Jag is pushing Jag closer to Bowie, which definitely imperils Matt's position in the house and jeopardizes his end game.

Since Jag didn't use his Power of Veto this week, both Felicia and Cirie are still on the block, and both have made their peace with the idea that they could be the next houseguest evicted. To see who survives, check out "Big Brother" Season 25 on CBS on Thursday at 9 p.m. EDT.